Saturday, March 7, 2015

Do you manage your stress?!!

Simple question, right? but the answer is a little bit complicated.

The major consequence we face while being in stress that our minds can't work properly and most likely miss a great opportunities ahead. that's why its very critical to learn how to manage stress and manage ourselves while being in stress as well.

The first step of managing stress is to understand where these feelings are coming from. (work pressure, feeling unsecured, family conflicts, financial or health problems.. etc). Knowing what exactly triggers your anxiety is a half solution.

Doing your best what so ever the results will get you free of stress zone. Without seeking perfection be proud of what you get and always aim and try to fly higher. "Keep in mind that Allah will never let your hard work go in vain.

Do you know that daily exercise is a stress reliever, boost self-confidence and improve your self-esteem. Why thinking twice to exercise daily or at least 3 or 4 times a week.

I just mentioned what i believe in its real impact, every one has a clue to what fits him best and finally how you manage your stress has the much higher impact on your mood and your entire life. Its not the load that breaks you down, its the way you carry it.

Monday, October 7, 2013

You Judge

Have you ever had a certain impression about someone only to find out that the truth is exactly the opposite?
GOOD, of course you have and this is quite normal. but the tricky question here : did you properly learned the lesson?

Most people would say yes of course, don't put complete faith in someone or never trust someone easily and such stuff. But no, that's not the universal lesson, not exactly anyway.

You will keep on falling into the same mistake of misjudging people until you learn the lesson of only judging people when they are out of their comfort zone. The moment when they are under huge pressure and are stripped down, with no backing except what matters most to them

Now, that's what the life taught us, fine winds will never tell how skillful the sailor is. the same applies to everyday normal life challenges, they can never give you an indication of what a person truly is all about.

And at the end, keep in mind that the worst type of people are those who cave-in and give up their self proclaimed principles even without a considerable challenge.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Build your own brand

The academic books and articles discuss personal branding may help you to learn about it; but it takes a long time to position yourself and create your own brand that answers the question of how people see you.

Whether you admit it or not, everyone of us are forming opinions about others. The things they do, the words they speak and the way they look are branding them in your mind.

We are all branding ourselves with every single detail, everyday in every way. how we act in different situations, how we treat people, how we dress. We are branding ourselves by our physical shape and health; by the way we talk and even walk.

Tony Jeary—popular author, speaker, and communication coach—said, “Every day, in dozens of different ways, you’re sending a message out to the world. The wrong message will cost you respect, career promotions, and perhaps relationships. And the right messages will enable you to achieve your personal and professional best.”

You can actually read a dozens of books and articles about personal branding and impression management but you can do it all by very simple steps....

Just be yourself, strengthen your qualities and focus on what describes you the most.

Monday, October 1, 2012

We Need a Plan!! Please...

We have to know our major weaknesses, we have to face the ugly truth and we have to know why we have never progressed in a realistic vision like Turkey, Brazil, Malayzia and China. Whats wrong with Egypt?!!!

Our major weakness at all times that we never had a strategic plan or clear vision to what supposed to be done. Like no other, we master the random actions and unplanned plans to the extent that it becomes mixed-in with our culture.

The most painful thing that you can't blame anyone who doesn't trust whats going on and don't believe that someday we will take a step forward especially after a resolution destroyed almost everything to start it over again. so the question here; why the resolution didn't remove the corrupted and naive culture as well?!!

Egypt passed a lot of challenging ages of wars and occupation, I will hold the last chance for hope and will do what I can to support the country get red of those people who are mentally occupied.... Actually I currently have nothing to help with except working hard.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Self- Esteem

What matters most is how you see yourself 

Showing high self-esteem is a fact that most people consider but unfortunately its never ever been easy regardless what has been written about this issue in books, articles, magazines and others.

Self-esteem is a term in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth and low self-esteem can result from various factors, including a physical appearance or weight, socioeconomic status, peer pressure or others.

I can enumerate every single detail about developing high self-esteem and go in depth with many  available resources to gather all needed information but i tend to be a dictatorial here and will only transfer my experience that i extremely believe in.
Self-esteem is totally related to the mental and spiritual health and shortage in this area can be caused by many maaany reasons some of them is uncontrollable and high self-esteem does not just appear out of nowhere.
Developing a MUSLIM psychology is the way... Having faith, boosting your (Imman &Yaqeen) and believing that ALLAH can forgives all your sins, teaches you, reassures your heart.

Despite other physical reasons, by focusing inward, each and every human being can connect with the inner source of peace, happiness, comfort, care and hope that characterizes our link with Allah.
 ALLAH will teach us to value our life and value ourselves.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Its all about Selling

Without expressing your own ideas, persuade others or influence them you can not survive any more in a such competitive environment. the competition rise in situations, arguing, communication, qualifications and people characteristics itself.
Without SELLING your ideas you will perform slower in a tough race and you will need to have authority to compensate the selling skills shortage.
Life is all about selling; every time you open your mouth you are selling something. You can sell every thing you have from your old mobile passing through a dinner idea to your self-image but professionals teach us the most important three tactics to master it personally and business wise:
1- Follow the process to control every step you are doing.
2- Convert from telling to selling.
3- Big companies are like great people, they don't sell products, they sell ideas and SOLUTIONS.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We Still Have Faith

When we were children they did teach us to love our country, salute the Egypt flag every morning, repeat the national anthem and realize how a great country we are; but unfortunately they didn't teach us how to deal with each other in a way of respect and care about one another because even if we're 90 million, and it looks like we're 100 countries not one, we're all living under the same roof and share the same future.

For the first time in a long time, I'm starting to lose hope; I'm starting to feel like there's no way for this country to fix ever, except by people themselves, our attitudes, our concepts and how we regard ourselves and our society.

Do you manage your stress?!!

Simple question, right? but the answer is a little bit complicated. The major consequence we face while being in stress that our minds ca...