Monday, October 7, 2013

You Judge

Have you ever had a certain impression about someone only to find out that the truth is exactly the opposite?
GOOD, of course you have and this is quite normal. but the tricky question here : did you properly learned the lesson?

Most people would say yes of course, don't put complete faith in someone or never trust someone easily and such stuff. But no, that's not the universal lesson, not exactly anyway.

You will keep on falling into the same mistake of misjudging people until you learn the lesson of only judging people when they are out of their comfort zone. The moment when they are under huge pressure and are stripped down, with no backing except what matters most to them

Now, that's what the life taught us, fine winds will never tell how skillful the sailor is. the same applies to everyday normal life challenges, they can never give you an indication of what a person truly is all about.

And at the end, keep in mind that the worst type of people are those who cave-in and give up their self proclaimed principles even without a considerable challenge.

Do you manage your stress?!!

Simple question, right? but the answer is a little bit complicated. The major consequence we face while being in stress that our minds ca...